Rebekah LaVauney
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The mother of two boys, who had quite a few songs dedicated to them, 25-year-old Bek almost missed out on being in the Final 12, but won the nation over in the Wildcard show with her awesome reindition of 'Exhale'. Unfortunately she was voted off on the Australian Made show along with Kelly much to alot of people's disappointment!

Rebekah grew up in Papua New Guinea and has five sisters. She was adopted but her adoptive parents (who were missionaries) took on all five girls so that they wouldn't be split up. Rebekah had the “best childhood” and spent a lot of her time hanging out at the beach and visiting different villages via the tracks which ran from one village to the next. She used to have a lot of adventures riding BMX bikes through forests and climbing mango trees with her sisters and friends. It was when she was living in Papua New Guinea that she starting loving to sing with village choirs.

She went to the local International School with her sisters and they were mostly schooled by correspondence. Rebekah had a talent for getting into mischief at school but because her Dad was the principal she didn't usually get into a lot deal of trouble. At home though, it was a different. Her parents were very strict, for example they allowed the girls only one piece of chocolate every Sunday. Rebekah used to have cravings for chocolate and would sometimes take the chocolate jar from its 'secret' location and eat the whole lot!

When Rebekah was 10 her family moved to New Zealand. He she was a member in school choirs and attended the Excel Ministry Performing Arts School in Auckland for two years. When she was eighteen, she moved to Australia with the Iron and Clay, a gospel group. She then joined funky group Swoop and was the only girl in this otherwise all boy band. After they supported Kylie’s “Princess Tour” in 2001 Swoop disbanded. These days, they are known as Professor Groove and the Bootie Affair which Rebekah still does gigs with occasionally.

Somewhere in between all her activities, Rebekah managed to find time to have two boys, Filipo whose four years old and Terence who is three. She loves to spend time with her boys and alot of her time is with the boys reading while they scoot around on skateboards.

One of Bek’s quirky musical habits is that she often sings a dedication to her sons at the beginning of a song. She thinks that singing a dedication is way less cheesy than actually saying it!! During Idol she really missed her boys but wanted to give Idol and maybe build a future for her boys.

As far as what she wants out of her Idol experience, this gifted young mum just wants to do her best throughout the competition. One of Bek's worries was that she'd clam up when singing. She says that she's fine performing, but only if she can’t see the crowd! I think she did a pretty good job though!

Rebekah loves to listen to Stevie Wonder and Lauren Hill and is inspired by powerhouse diva Pattie LaBelle.

During January and February Bek was with the other Idols on the Australian Idol Tour. She sang some wicked songs and to see what they were check out the 'Songs Rebekah Sang On Australian Idol' link.

Songs Rebekah Sang On Australian Idol

Matt Chadwick | Peter Ryan | Cleoni Wootton | Lauren Buckley | Kelly Cavuoto | Rebekah LaVauney | Levi Kereama | Robert 'Millsy' Mills | Paulini Curuenavuli | Cosima DeVito | The Final 12's Album | The Final 12 Photo Gallery

This site was last updated 04-Jul-2004