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On this page I will add links to current news articles on Guy Sebastian and/or Australian Idol or just write gossip that I've heard. I will try to keep it as updated as possible but I apologise in advance if I don't! And if anyone has heard any good gossip or news that they feel I should post, send me an e-mail (details Contact page)!

4th July, 2004

Well Guy has been one busy boy! He finally updated his diary on his website ( which has an account of his actions for the last few months! He's been back to America, sick, singing at the Phillipines MTV Awards (I think). He's going to Malaysia again and then Indonesia and then he says he's coming back ome to begin frantically writing for his album which should be finished by mid August! After the album's done and all the promotion is finished he says he's going to do a tour (which I am sooooo going to get a ticket to!). He also says that his album is shaping up to be a little funk mixed with some 70's and disco....interesting combo! Anyway. go check out what he says at his website!

Also...Australia Idol is BAAACK! It starts on the 13th July with a second huge night following on 14th July! I can't wait! It's supposed to be HUGE...I just hope Guy's on it!

Other than that things have been pretty quiet for our lil fro boy, mainly because he's been overseas! I wish he'd just stay home!

The site's got a new look; a different background for each section and a new poll and a new pics squeezed in here and there! I hope you all like it!

That's all the goss for now!

Bye byez!

Nicole (webmistress)!

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This site was last updated 04-Jul-2004