Cleoni Wootton
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She's a 22-year-old mum who's had it a bit tough. During the time she was at Idol HQ the others described her as being 'motherly'! She's the fun-loving, sexy, sassy, attitude queen, CLE!

Welcome to Cle's (her full name is actually Cleoni but hardly anyone ever calls her that) world. It's filled with her four-year-old daughter Taeana, her partner Owen, singing, fast food, band rehearsals, writing original music and basically just racing about trying to get everything done! Cle thinks she talks to much and has the attention span of a goldfish but once she one hundred per cent focussed on the job she's supposed top be doing, she goes off and gives it her full commitment and undivided attention.

When she get spare time (which isn't very often), Cle likes to do absolutely nothing. Zero, zip, nada. Sometimes she might watch a Meg Ryan/Sandra Bullock type romantic comedy if her mood takes her or even just head downtown for a meal with Owen, Tae and other friends.

Cle loves to write her own music with Eddie Parezi and Frank Solenza from her local band, Loop. Althouhg I have no idea who they are, apparantly Eddie and Frank were members of the talented Baby Animals. Her favourite singers include Pink, Beyonce Knowles and Maxi Priest. Her family has a history of  music with her parents both being members of reggae bands. There was always reggae on the turntable during the time Cle was growing up.

Ever since she was a kid Cle can’t remember wanting to do anything else but sing. Even back when she was in kindy she used to do Michael Jackson performances at Christmas parties with her family right down to wearing one glove and the crazy outrageous dance moves to Thriller. Nowadays she teaches singing and dancing at high schools in Perth and sings regularly at The Deen in the city.

When she was growing up Cle says that was a cheeky, mischievous little tomboy and that she had a really happy childhood. She was often in a big rush to go somewhere and so she didn't have to do the washing she would hide it in the cupboards and under her bed so she could save time!

Cle started performing from a young age and got her first taste of stardom at twelve when she got a major role in the popular television series, “Ship To Shore”. It was a kid’s adventure series about a group of kids living on a fictitious location called Circe Island. She loved the experience it gave her and from this she got a good grounding in dealing with childhood fame.

Cle's dream is to make enough money through performing so that she can work with children in schools, in particular talking about sex education. Cle does not try to hide the fact that she fell pregnant at seventeen although her little girl Tae is the best thing that could have happened to her, there are things that can be done to stop teenagers from getting pregnant. Cle was just lucky enough to have a very supportive partner and family.

Cle reckons that her strongest character traits are her honesty and perseverance. Cle thinks that she gets her love of life from her mum, Evadney, and her dad, Sean.

Cle isn’t scared of much but around mice she becomes very jittery. One day at her house a mouse popped up and Cle quickly climbed to the top of her kitchen table and then sat there for an hour waiting for the mouse to quietly leave. After a while the mouse ran into a bedroom and Cle pounced on the bedroom door, locking it and then waited for someone else to come take the mouse away.

If there were three things in Cle’s life that she simply couldn’t live without they would be music, Taeana and Synthetic Hair.

Like the other Final 12 contestants Cle participated in the Australian Idol Tour and did and damn good job of singing her songs to! To check out what songs she sang look at the 'Songs Cle Sang On Australian Idol' link.

Songs Cle Sang On Australian Idol

Matt Chadwick | Peter Ryan | Cleoni Wootton | Lauren Buckley | Kelly Cavuoto | Rebekah LaVauney | Levi Kereama | Robert 'Millsy' Mills | Paulini Curuenavuli | Cosima DeVito | The Final 12's Album | The Final 12 Photo Gallery

This site was last updated 04-Jul-2004