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'Singing in the church is really, really important to me. It's formed me as a singer. When I got to church every week I sing in front of over two thousand people so it's really helped me get over my nerves."
on singing in his church.

"When I tell people they kinda go 'Oh, you know, you kinda look cool' which is a bit strange because there's this stereotype of people who go to church who aren't cool but it's really not the case."
on telling people he's religious.

"I'm really close to my Mum. She's, umm, we've always had a really close relationship. My dad works interstate so I'm the man in the house when he's gone."
on his parents.

"I still feel very much like a kid and in my Mum's eyes I'm definetely very much a kid"

"It was a very cold morning. I think I rocked up at about twenty to seven and umm, already the line was huge. I thought that if I got there that early I might be close to the front but there was a lot of people there."
on the Adelaide auditions.


"I was just intruiged to see the different sort of people that rocked up to try out for this thing...it was just a very very funny thing."
on the people that were at the Adelaide auditions.

"When I was lining up there was this group of guys who people in the Adelaide auditions would remember who kinda didn't stop singing all day. And it woulda been cool if they had a bit of a reptoire but they kinda didn't stop singing the same song the whole day."
on a group of people singing at the Adelaide auditions.

"They suck, they suck!"
his response after being asked opinion of the above group of people who kept singing all day

'When I pick a song I always want to make it my own flaver and want to arrange it the way I know it will suit me"
on choosing songs to sing.

I'll always really think about the music side of things and really concentrate on how it's arranged and just how I can make it clever and different and Guy."
on rearranging songs.

"Oh, that was just SO much fun!!"
after performing 'When Doves Cry" on Australian Idol


"I can't believe how many clothes I've accumulated in my time I was at HQ."
as he was packing his gear to leave Idol HQ

"I get incredible pains in my stomach, I get very nervous."
on whether he gets nervous.

"I'm looking forward to it. I can't wipe this stupid smile off my face."
on the Australian Idol 2003 Grand Finale

"It's cool. It's almost an afro chick."
on the picture on the shirt he wore for the Australian Idol 2003 Grand Finale

"It feels very different to our normal Sunday night show. It's a different vibe. There's no one really getting voted off, just there's a winner and a winner."
on the Australian Idol 2003 Grand Finale

"No comment my friend."
on being asked about a poster that a fan held saying "Guy, make me your first!"

"He bites his nails really bad, they're hideous!"
on Shannon


"I don't feel like a star. I feel like a very very lucky person, very lucky."

"Bit more sleep woulda been handy."
the night after the Australian Idol 2003 Grand Finale after getting to bed at around 2am

"I've been asked so many times how I feel and I don't think there's not one time when I've been able to explain. It's just very overwhelming and I think I need to find a corner and just breath it in and get a bit of alone time."
the day after the Australian Idol 2003 Grand Finale

'That's my first intro, how weird!"
after introducing his song 'Angels Brought Me Here' on SAFM's Hot 30 Countdown


"That was weird hearing my single for the first time, very strange."
after he heard 'Angels Brought Me Here" for the first time

"I just sorta want to be a role model that says just be true to yourself and don't sway because of other people and what they think and stand up for what you believe in"
after being asked what type of role model he wants to be

"Are you joking? How embarrassing!"
after being told his face would be on buses all over the nation

"Oh no, whenever it comes it'll come. Yeah, I'm sure it'll come one day."
after being asked if he hopes to find love soon

"I grew up in church singing and it's just taught me so much, every week us sing harmonies, you sing with your soul."
on singing in church

"I love the crowd, they just lift you to a new level."
on performing in front of crowds


"I really get along with all the guys. Me and Shannon date back to when we were in a three at Seymour Centre."
on the guys in The Final 12

"I guess if all Dicko says is something about my hair then I'm pleased."
after Dicko's comment on not covering up his fro

"John Farnham sitting down pulls his chair back and bumps into me because I'm sitting behind him and he's like "Sorry Guy" and I'm like 'What? John Farnham knows my name!"
on John Farnham bumping his chair at the ARIA awards in 2003.

"I think there'll be many nights to come where I'll just sit there reminiscing all the incredible times. I've much so many, loving people."
on the Australian Idol experience

"I think Paulini is so genuine and honest, but she's probably a bit shy and didn't let her personality come out like the way we saw it. She was shy in front of the cameras but she's a beautiful girl with a lovely heart and so easy to be with and listen to."
on Paulini

"Because I teach, I know what her condition was all about - nodules are a singer's worst nightmare. If she kept singing there would have been no way she could have done the tour. She did the best thing for her career."
on Cosima's departure

"When Shannon sings you can tell he's a down-to-earth bloke. You get pieces of people's personalities and that's a huge, huge thing about the show. Shannon is a bloke that people want to hang out with."
on Shannon

"I'm just so honoured to sing with them. I know there's amazing quality out there and I know I'll any different to them but I don't fear anybody, I'll be in awe of a few people. like Kelly Clarkson who's just awesome."
on World Idol Competitors


"I just don't wanna be one of those people who flamin cry on tele."

during the 60's night

"All I want to be is a recording artist. It doesn't worry me if I'm not the one out front. I just want to work in the industry after all this".

"It's was a crazy, weird way to enter the industry. When you enter at the top the only way to go is down."
on the way he entered the music industry.


"I like a girl that sings in the shower that kinda thing even if she cant sing, but she's always singing. I think that's cute"
on what type of girl he likes.

"Take risks. Cos you're either gonna fall flat on your face or you're really gonna excel"

Guy's advice to people auditioning for Australian Idol 2004.


"I was sick that day. I'm such a baby when I'm sick."

about the day of his audition for Australian Idol.


"I sometimes think that he got the best deal cos he got the record deal anyway and still got the Sony Home Theatre. I didn't get that! So, I think he got the prize!"

on Shannon coming second in Australian Idol.


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This site was last updated 07-Jul-2004