Short Spiel!
Guy's Bio
His Album!
Guy Interviews
Guy Quotes
Shannon's Corner
The Final 10
Photo Gallery
Sister Sites!
About Me!


This is a short spiel about me, why I created this site and other things that I felt like writing about!

Above: At my 14th b'day party.

I created this site because I entered a competition at school where we had to make a site up in 45 minutes. My group chose the topic Guy and Shannon because we figured it would be easy, and although we didn't win
the competition (we came second) my website was born! I used the layout of the first website and set to work on this one. And it has grown and grown and grown, and is STILL growing!! There's a lot more that I hope to do with this site!!
I have loved Guy ever since I saw him perform for the first time. That was the second last night when he sang Angels Brought Me Here! When I saw him I was annoyed with myself for not watching the whole series, but I've seen snippets of all his performances and I have all the audio, so it's all good! I fell in love and have been obsessed ever since. My walls are covered (at the moment I have 11 posters up, with more to come!!) and he's about all I listen to. He's my first really major obsession (well except for the Animorphs a year or so!!! And a big one at that!

Above: This is me in Year 6 at my primary school graduation with my then best friends and one of my teachers!

My life is fairly hectic. I'm a member of Guides Australia and I attend meeting with my age group, and I'm also a junior leader. I'm a member of two Surf Life Saving clubs, I play netball and attend trainings. My coach is also training me to be a netball umpire so that's more work. Then there's social life, I spend a lot of time with my friends, and on the net at Frolovers (they rock!!) or on MSN Messenger. I also have to maintain my website, go to school, do jobs around the house, and I
recently applies for some that will make it even more hectic!! But I love the business, I thrive on it!!
I'm a very talkative person, but I can be a bit shy/cautious. With people I know I'm fairly outgoing though. I'm not very big on fashion or makeup, I just slouch around in jeans and