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Name: Guy Theodore Sebastian

D.O.B: 26th of October 1981 (he's currently 22)

Birthplace: Klang, Malaysia

School Attended: Kings Baptist, Golden Grove

Currently Lives: In a flat in Sydney but he visits Adelaide regularly.

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour/Style: An afro (fro) which brown/black.



Family: Mum (Nellie), Dad (Ivan), brother Ollie (25), brother Chris (15) and brother Jeremy (13).

Girlfriend: Julie 'Jules' Egan

Musical Influences: Stevie Wonder, Boyz 2 Men, Michael Jackson and Prince

Hobbies: Riding his motorbike, playing indoor cricket and golf.

Car: Mazda XR8 (yellow and the back doors open the opposite way)

Fragrance: He uses Christian Diors Fahrenheit

Products Used On The Fro: Sebastian shaper hair spray and Crude clay

Fav Food: His Mum's curry!

Fav Aussie Actor: Heath Ledger

Fav Aussie Actress: Naomi Watts

A Few Did You Knows

The night before Guy flew home to be reunited with family and friends a Doctor had to be called to his hotel as he was struck down with a bad case of food poisoning from a dodgy curry.

When Guy gets nervous he puts his hands in his pockets.

Guy used to be a chubby boy in his younger days.

He is a committed Christian and he used to sing for Youth Alive and Planet Shakers conferences as well as his local church (Paradise Community Church).

Guy is always the one to get heartbroken in relationships.

Guy has berry coloured lips (naturally) and perfect olive skin.

Guy is a bit lonely on the fame journey.

He likes home made gifts the best.

Guy decided to ring his friends and play piano instead of meeting Victoria and David Beckhem. Apparently they weren't very impressed!!!

If Guy could take anyone out to dinner he would take his Mum (awww).

Guy likes a girl who can sing (not that he wouldn't go out with anyone that couldn't) "I like a girl that sings in the shower that kinda thing even if she cant sing, but she's always singing. I think that's cute."

In the first week of 'Angels Brought Me Here' being released 128,000 copies were sold the fastest selling Australian single EVER...

Guy hasn't permed his hair. In AI the hair stylist would always straighten guys he just leaves it. Also dont ask him bout his hair in the Angels Brought Me Here clip he hates it (ohhh poor thing).

Guy went home during the AI concerts and his mum Nellie cooked curry for all the idols.

also then he was home he visited the children's hospital he gave away a lot of the teddies that had been given to him as presents from us (how nice is that)

Guy got an earring while on tour!!!!

Guy made fun of a friend who had a little bit shaved out of his eyebrow so his friend dared him to do it to his, so he did!

Guy uses Gillette Mach3 and Gillette Shaving cream, he loves the three blades!

He loves the style of David Beckhem, he said one day he may even go for a mohawk! He said he's very adventurous with hairstyles and one day he may even go the full shave with a mullet!

Guy is working on his new album and it might be out as early as October this year his hoping to write every song on the album and says this album will be more him a lot more edgier.

Guy is NOT gay

He is a virgin

His ex girlfriend, Jules, tried out for Australian Idol and only made it to the Top 100

He is a Scorpio

His original goal was to make it to the Top 40... well -- not only did he do that, HE WON

Three of the songs on his album he personally wrote

One of the songs on his album, "My Beautiful Friend", was actually the hardest to sing

Guy is a Christian

He was a music teacher at a local high-school before Idol

He has been growing his "'fro" for about 2 years

He used to play violin

He use to get really nervous when he was going to sing, that his bottom lip would quiver so much he couldn't sing

He is a huge "cricket-head"

He likes to ride his motor-bike to get 'ultimate relaxation'

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This site was last updated 04-Jul-2004