'The Secret Life Of Guy Sebastian'

From the May 2004 issue of TV Hits

We know where his scars are and what his first kiss was like...become a 'fro pro with our all-revealing Guy interview!

What were you like at school?
I was pretty naughty. I spent more time in the corridor than in the classroom. I was just really rude and stuff, and I'd sing songs. Once we had this relief teacher called Mr Jack, and I started singing 'Hit the road Mr Jack, ad don't you come back no more...' I was a pest!

What were your fave subjects?
I enjoyed chemistry, because it taught...the purpose of chemicals in life. I loved PE, I was really heavily into sport. I played cricket, soccer and footy. I was playing in the same indoor cricket team for about 11 years with my schoolmates.

What did your school reports say?
Every one would say, 'Doesn't concentrate!' And 'talks to much', 'easily distracted'. I always used to have that.

How'd you go in your final exams?
I worked pretty hard in Year 12. Marks-wise, I did pretty well. I got about 93 out of 100. I was a bit of a clown the rest of the time, but wen it came to the crunch, I thought 'I want to do something medical'. I did medical radiation at uni. I specialised in radiotherapy, which is the delivery of radiation to cancer cells.

So are you Dr Sebastian, or what?
I needed to do music, and to my parent's dismay, I quit uni after two years. I wanted to get a recording studio happening, but it's pretty expensive to get all that kind of gear. I started working at a warehouse, driving fork-lifts and driving trucks and unloading containers. While I was doing that, I was cleaning toilets at a nursing home, which was really gross.

But you taught singing, too...
Yeah, someone offered me [a teaching job]. I'd never had a lesson, so it was really stressful. I thought 'What I am going to teach them?' So I just drew on my own experiences that I'd had, and looked on the internet and kind of wrote up my own techniques. And quickly tried to learn [more] piano than I already knew.

Do you want to finish your degree?
No. Once this is all done, I'd like to just songwrite and be in music and maybe start a performing-arts school Maybe an inner-city thing for kids who don't really get a chance. There are so many talented kids out there who don't really get an opportunity to get taught a lot of things.

Scary Stuff
Have you got any gory scars?
I've got an appendix scar. I got it out when I was in Year 6, it hurt like hell. I've got a scar on my forehead; I fell of my bike when I was about four or five. I've got a scar on my finger, I just sliced it open, my fingernail was hanging off. You know those those little fans? I got my finger stuck in the blade. [TV Hits: Eeew!]

Were you scared of anything when you were little?
I was scared of the dark. I was scared of the ocean. I don't know why. I would either have to walk dead in the middle of the jetty or I would just peer over the edge and lie on the deck. I was scared I'd fall in.

Have you had a dorky haircut?
I used to have a...mullet. It was short on the top so it was spiky...[a] curly mullet.

Talk About Lurve
When was your first kiss?
In a movie cinema, it was gross! I was in Year 9, and I was dating a girl in Year 11, she was about two years older than me. I seriously thought, as if this is it.

How about your first girlfriend?
She was in Year 9 and I had a crush on her for ages; as soon as I gave up on her, she started liking me. We went to a concert, and both of us were too chicken to hold hands until the end of the night. I remember what she was wearing and everything...like natural-coloured Tencel overalls.

So, spill the beans..Have you ever cried over a girl?
Absolutely. I did when I broke up with my [most recent] girlfriend. Well, when she broke up with me! [Laughs]. I cried over my first girlfriend, too, and the next girlfriend, and the next one...[Laughs]

What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
I went up to this big lookout with a picnic basket, once. I'd rather receive gifts that have a thought process built into them rather than how expensive they are.

