'Lethbridge Defy The Odds and Beat The Majors'

June 1st, 2004 - Paul Cashmere - Undercover Media

Queensland band Lethbridge has defied all odds this week beating the power marketing ploys of the major labels and scoring a number one single in Queensland with their song 'In My Room' on their own terms.

The highest profile member of the group is Levi Kereama, an Australian Idol contestant who made it through to the final ten. Despite his profile as the Number 6 place getter, he held back from major label offers to stay with Lethbridge, his family band. "The main reason I went in there was for some recognition and some exposure" he tells Undercover News. "I just wanted to get my name out there so I could push the group".

They took the Indie route after Darren McVean, a radio executive from Bundaberg, Queensland started F8 Records and included Lethbridge as shareholders in the new company. "In a way we are control freaks" Darren tells Undercover News. "Levi wanted to be a group, not an individual so we formed a company around them."

F8 produced 35,000 units of the 'In My Room' single and started work distributing them into stores. "All of Sanity and HMV have it now as of last week" Darren says. "It was released on May 16 and we got it into Sanity stores in Queensland and South Australia. It has now had about 60 adds on radio and is receiving airplay through Austereo, Nova and RG Capital".

That is a success story any major label would love to have. 'In My Room' sold 3524 units last week in Australia but sales came mostly from Queensland. In Queensland, the single outsold Spiderbait's 'Black Betty by almost two to one. Nationally, it is at number 12.

As a top 10 contestant in Australian Idol, Levi was offered deals from major labels but knocked them all back. "We got a few offers but they weren't that great for us" he says. "The deal with the Independent is better. There is a lot of hard work but the rewards at the end will be better. The percentages didn't work out for me".

'In My Room' is an original, new recording. "We recorded that about three months ago in Sydney" he says. "It has been a lot of hard work because we aren't on a major but it is out there now. We had problems getting it into Melbourne and Sydney. We have just released the single there this week".

McVean gave Lethbridge a career path few majors would consider. "They've hung on to their publishing and they are shareholders in the label" he says.

F8 also did some smart marketing by dropping 250,000 posters into Queensland homes to create awareness of the single and it has paid off.

Lethbridge have already recorded their second single and plan to release an album later this year.

