'Interview With Guy'

(From the February edition of 'Girlfriend')

We fell in love with his voice, not it's time to fall in love with the person. gf sat down for a guy to guy chat with er, Guy Sebastian about lurve and other girly shtuff!

There's a song on your album, 'Just As I Am', called "Three Words" about the power of saying 'I love you.' Have you ever said I love you to anyone special?
Yeah. I remember when I said it, I was dying to say it for a while but I held off because I was thinking, man, that's such a full on thing to say. It was four months before I actually said it.

Why did you wait so long?
I didn't really know what the done thing was, even though you see it on TV, it's different in real-life - and it's a big deal. But if you want to say it you should just say it.

Do you look up to anyone, in terms of a role model for relationships?
No, but I used to work as a cleaner and a caterer at a nursing home and there was this time I just stopped and stared at this couple. They were 90 years old and holding hands and whispering and laughing, and they'd been together for 70 years. That's how I want to be when I'm 90.

Are you still single?
(laughs) I'm single at the moment. I'm not in the position to go out with anyone. I had a girlfriend a year and a half ago and we broke up. We went out for almost three and a half years. it was hard. I couldn't even look at her. We stayed clear of each other and called it quits for a while. I'm not ready to look for anything else, I think I just need my friends around me.

What got you out of the hole?
Being her friend. Knowing I hadn't lost her completely. I think knowing that we have a future together even if it is just as friends.

So I guess break-ups can be just as hard for boys, eh?
I take forever to get over chicks! Even a little school relationship took me two years to get over.

Where's the best place to meet someone in your opinion?
I think when you meet someone the place is irrelevant, it's actually you're left with. You could be in a place where there are 10,000 beautiful women if you're a boy or 10,000 beautiful men if you're a girl...or man, anything goes now days! Or it could be just you and someone else down at the shopping mall.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I think there's lust at first sight. I can think somebody's beautiful at first, but i really fall in love when I get to know the person, when you love them for who they are and what's inside.

If you realised you where in love with girl who was also a good friend of yours, would you tell her?
Yeah. In school I had a best friend and we went out, but she cheated on me. After that my opinion of relationships wasn't too high, i guess it just didn't have a good vibe. But the same thing happened with my last girlfriend. When I realised that I loved her, I gave in, I thought I;d risk it again.

Do you believe that everyone has their own personal soul mate?
Yeah, maybe not everyone. But I really think I do.

Would you agree that it's better to be single and happy rather than attached and miserable?
(nods head) I've actually had friends who can't be alone. I keep telling them, 'Just be single...sort yourself out'. It's very important to have time-out if you've come out of a relationship.

Single-time is very much underestimated...
It's so important not to rush into something else. For me it was a time when I was rock bottom and I needed to assess everything about myself. Not only in a relationship but in everyday life. I'm pretty deep.

But that's a good thing. Do you think guys get a bad wrap when it comes to relationships?
I think there's this distorted opinion of boys in relationships, like guys are always hurting girls, but the total reality is it's equal. There's not real formula, girls are just as bad as guys. And girls can do as many stupid things as guys. Girls and guys are just so different.

Do you remember your first ever celebrity crush?
It was Anne-Maree on Agro's Cartoon Connection. I really dug her. And Leisle (Charmain Carr) from The Sound Of Music. I used to think she was hot. Oh and Mallory (Justine Bateman) from Family Ties.

What's your fave make-out song?
(laughs) I won't answer that one.

Is that cos it's one of your songs?
No, that would be funny! (laughs) Um, the Wiggles "Wake Up Jeff".
