'Guy's Doll Has A Song In Her Heart'

May 16, 2004 - Sunday Mail

Money can't buy her love gut Julie wants a slice of fame.

He's has the limelight for long enough now Guy Sebastian's girlfriend Julie Egan, 24, is breaking into the music scene.

Julie is recording a demo CD and hopes to crack a record contract.

She's been belting out tunes in Queensland with friend and recording engineer Matt Poole, although Guy often offers words of advice from wherever he is.

"He's gone to London today but he rang the other day and I held the phone out so he could hear what we were doing," Julie said.

"I don't want it to be perceived that Guy will be my ticket to anywhere, but I'd be silly to pass up his help."

"Matt has a lot of contacts in the industry, but I'll also give Guy a copy of the CD. I'm always scared to show him my stuff because he's so good."

The couple met in 1988 when they sang at weddings together and both attended Paradise Community Church.

The friendship developed into a relationship but nine months before Guy became a household name, the couple broke up.

"It was just a timing thing." Julie said. "It was just the way it had to be."

"For the first couple of months after that it was a really yucky, and we didn't really talk to each other," she said. "But then we became friends again, which was great." Just before Guy became a national singing sensation and heartthrob, Julie admitted the couple had been discussing reuniting.

"We definitely talked about it, but then the whole Idol thing happened and it all went pear-shaped."

Despite that, they stayed in close contact and Julie said she was thrilled about Guy's success.

"I was so happy for him because I knew that, once people heard him, they'd love him," she said.

They remained close and last Christmas Julie recorded a song Guy as a present.

"It's called No Matter and the chorus is 'No matter where you are or how far you go, I'll be there, I promise'," she said. "He said it was the best present he's ever got."

In February, things began to really hot up.

"It just sort of happened," Julie explained. "Guy rang and asked me to pick him up from the airport and we went out for dinner and he said 'Do you want to be my girlfriend?'"

"I just said 'Are you serious? This is too good to true'." Going out with Guy Sebastian is no easy task...he's based in Sydney but is currently working.

He left the day after the Logies and won't be back for three weeks.

He's also so recognisable that it's hard to go anywhere without being accosted and having women drool over him.

"You just have to deal with it and get on with your life," Julie said. "But Guy makes it easy, because he's very honest and trustworthy."

He's also a real romantic. From Singapore he sent Julie a bunch of her favourite oriental lillies for Valentine's Day.

He also buys her loads of clothes because he's "pretty funky and has good taste".

That he's rolling in dough doesn't matter to Julie.

"To be honest, it's not important to me," she said.

"I'm just happy that he's my boyfriend. I'd still love him is he was driving his old Honda Integra, which I actually crashed into once."

Julie works as a singing teacher and has been singing "since forever".

She says her album is a mixture of pop, R&B and dance stuff.

She and Guy even have discussed doing a duet.

But for now, she just wants her boy back in the country - once he's finished hanging with the rich and famous.

"He's realised they're just people as well from his new life, but it's nice having someone who's been there from the beginning and loved him for him," she said.

