'Aussie Idols'

Dolly - April 2004

Our cover stars, Isabel Lucas and Guy Sebastian are not only hot, but they're Aussies and proud of it!

Did you have a good time at the shoot?
Yeah, i really enjoyed myself. I think I'm a bit awkward in front of the camera, but the DOLLY crew really encouraged me.
Guy: It was fantastic, really good. I don't get too nervous, and this one was really fun.

Had you met each other before?
No we hadn't, but Isabel was really, really lovely so it was great.
Isabel: it was a privilege to meet Guy. He has a fresh, positive energy and he is so down to earth. It's so good to see someone so deserving get such a great opportunity.

How do you feel about representing Australia by being the stars on our Aussie issue cover?
Absolutely stoked! When Dolly told me I was really blown away. I don't understand it but I'm very thankful.
Isabel: I feel honoured! I'm still not sure why I was picked but I hope I can inspire people.

Do you get nervous when you're called a role model?
A bit, maybe humbled. But anyone can be a role model; there's no special skill involved, just basic morality and the raw will to want to help out somehow.
Guy: No, because I'm going to be a role model whether I want it or not, either a good one or a bad one. So I'm just going to do my best and try and be as good as I can. Obviously I'll never be perfect, so I'll just try to be the best I can be.

Who's your Aussie role model?
My role model isn't just one person...it's like a thread that runs through each Aussie - the neighbour who wants to help mow the lawn of the old man next door, or a big sister who gave her little sister her hand-me-downs. I also admire Layne Beachley's willpower and strength.
Guy: Mine is probably Steve Waugh. I'm a big fan of his, just the way he conducts himself. He's a nice guy. John Farnham is also one of my idols because his philosophy is one that I've adopted, where everyone is as important as each other, from the janitor up. I've been a janitor and I loved that job, so I've been there and know how they get treated.
I worked at a warehouse and had sales reps come in and look down on me, so I've in that position and my philosophy is like his. I'll give as much time and as many smiles to the janitor as I do to the head of BMG.

What's been your favourite thing about your success so far?
Success is a very subjective thing. For me, it's having a meaningful life. I realise that I'm so lucky and blessed to be in the position I'm in, and I want to use that in a positive way. I did a hospital visit a couple of weeks ago for the Humuour Foundation (Isabel is a patron) and work wise that has been the most rewarding and purposeful thing I've done. And when I alk off set feeling like I've nailed a tricky scene, that stokes me too!
Guy: Probably having the opportunity to record, getting to go somewhere like the ARIAs and meeting all these new people.

What have you learnt since being in the public eye?
That it never blinks. I'm someone who likes a lot of space and chill-out time. I've often found it challenging going out and constantly being recognised. Most people mean well and are sweet, but it's teaching me how precious privacy is too.
Guy: I've learnt that you can't please everybody and you can only do your best. I'll keep giving as much as I can give, but there's always someone who doesn't get an autograph. I've also learnt I can't give away all my personal details either!

Do you still pinch yourself because of how well things are going?
I take nothing for granted. I know I'm lucky for many reasons. Maybe we should all pinch ourselves everyday, 'cos there's always someone less fortunate than us.
Guy: It's amazing and I still don't feel like I deserve it, but it's just a new life that I've had to adapt to. I'm extremely blessed.

Do you still get nervous walking down the red carpet?
Apparantely people who've been acting for 20 years still get nervous. I guess it's a healthy, normal reaction that I'm learning to manage.
Guy: Not really, I've gotten less and less so. Sometimes I'll be quite nervous and other times I won't. On Australia Day there were thousands of people but I was having fun and really enjoying it.

Is it hard for you to stay in contact with your family and friends when you're always working?
Yeah, hardship and challenges are teachers though. I'm realising how much I love ad need my friends and family. I miss them so much!
Guy: A little bit - it is hard. Just being in another world so quickly makes it hard to come to terms with.

What's your advice for kids wanting to do what you're doing?
"Don't let your dreams be dreams," says Jack Johnson. Do acting courses, look for an agent, go to auditions, learn about it. Maybe you'll love it and thrive or maybe it won't be your thing.
Guy: Probably to always keep it about the music and not to be a Justin or a Britney because there's already one of them, you just have t be yourself. Always remember where you came from and realise who got you there. I know I would be nowhere without the power of the media, the power of the show, the people who picked up the show and my family, friends and the people who worked on my album. That's the most important thing for me to remember.

Isabel's Top Aussie Acts
Fave Aussie actress?
Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Nicole Kidman.

Fave Aussie actor?
Heath Ledger, Mel Gibson.

Fave Aussie musician?
I love the messages George sing about. The Waifs are great and Pete Murray, Guy and Delta have so many gorgeous songs.

Fav Aussie designer?
I'm not really up on designers, but I do really like Colette Dinnigan.

Guy's Top Aussie Acts
Fave Aussie actress?
Naomi Watts.

Fave Aussie actor?
Heath Ledger.

Fave Aussie musician?
Probably Henry Seeley because he's a friend of mine and is one of the best musicians I know.

Fav Aussie designer?
I don't really have one. I can't say that I know many Aussie designers.

Aussie Quiz
Name one member from the Aussie ban Powderfinger?
I: Bernard Fanning.
G: Bernard Fanning.

Which Australian is marrying the Prince of Denmark?
I: Mary Donaldson.
G: Is it Isla Fisher? No, it's Mary Donaldson.

Name the man who's famous for saying "Crikey!"
I: Steve Irwin.
G: The Crocodile Hunter.

Which Aussie started the phrase "That's what I'm talkin' about"?
I: I have absolutely no idea.
G: Shannon Noll!

Which Aussie ad Belgian tennis players are engaged?
I: Lleyton Hewwit and Kim Clijsters.
G: Lleyton Hewwit and what's her name? Kim Clijsters?

Which Australian soccer star is now an international star?
I: Harry Kewell.
G: Harry Kewell.

Who was raised in Australia but not born here: Heath Ledger, Cathy Freeman or Naomi Watts?
I: Naomi Watts.
G: Naomi Watts.

Isabel: 6/7
Guy: 7/7!

