2nd March, 2004

Guy's single, 'All I Need Is You' has made NUMBER 1!!! YAY! I love that single. The remixes on their are really good (the second remix is my personal favourite), and Climb Every Mountain rocks!! Anyone who is a hardcore Guy fan, it's an essential!! And Guy's album is still holding up at number 13 on the ARIA charts. Pretty good really!

Okay a couple of things coming up for Guy. As I've mentioned Guy is co-hosting So Fresh (Channel 9) on Saturday (6th March) and I have heard that he might be being interviewed on Video Hits (Channel 10) on Sunday (7th March) but this has not been confirmed. Also, next Wednesday (10th March) he will be on Cheez TV which starts at 7am on Channel 10. Busy, busy boy isn't he?

I have also heard that Guy is supposed to be in New Zaland from the 7th-10th March to judge on New Zealand Idol and do some signings, then he's off to Asia to present a MTV award on the 10th before coming back to Adelaide on the 14th to perform at his church for the making of their live CD and DVD.

Also, as it says on the homepage I now have a guestbook which you can all write messages in. I plan to work on the Bendigo photos when I get a chance, I'm a bit busy with school at the moment!

Talking about school, I should be doing homework now, so bye byez!

Nicole (webmistress)!

