26th February, 2004

Well I finally finished!! Now I just have to maintain it! I dunno how the site will go, I'm actually considering making a MSN Group linked to this, but we'll see what happens first!

The So Fresh program (see update below) starts at 9am but I'm not sure if all Australian States get it, I don't think I do in Adelaide anyway, which I'm VERY annoyed about!

So who watched Tuesday's Rove? I couldn't but I taped it and I've heard Guy did a really good interview! Good ol' Guy!

Any one reading this who lives in or near Townsville, I envy you cos Guy's gonna be there on Sunday at the opening of Flinders St East. He's scheduled to perform at 6:30pm but celebrations are supposed to start at 3pm.

Also if you live in Adelaide most of you will know this but I thought I'd chuck it on anyway. SAFM is running a competition to do a duet with Guy. The hosts give a topic each night, you make up a song, sing it on the radio and you could win a chance to have singing lessons than record a duet with Guy which will be played on SAFM! Yay, I'd love to do that but I can't sing so I'm not going to bother the humiliation, but any of you people who can sing, GOOD LUCK!

I'm gonna add a counter to this soon, so I can keep track of how many people have been on, and I'm also adding a guestbook (hopefully) so you can all leave messages for me!

Well that's all the goss I've heard! Don't forget to e-mail me if you hear anything juicy!

Nicole (webmistress)

