Update - 18th June 2004

Hi everyone! Remember me? The lazy, slack webmistress of this site? lol...well I'm back and in full swing of making changes! I've added a COMPLETELY new intro (which hopefully you all noticed when you entered the site....lol) a new name (I hated the old one, the new one is A LOT better) and other stuff. I've got a poll now which I hope to change monthly (sorry ahead of time if I don't) and hopefully my new guestbook will be up and working soon!!! Then you can all leave me messages telling me how much cooler my site is now (I hope...lol)!!

Sorry about the lack of updates, school became very busy then camps, then my birthday (I got a stereo, now I can play my music EXTRA loud...he he he!) and my Choreographic Awards for school, so between all that I was unable to work on this site much to my disgust.

I have plenty to write about, after all Guy has been pretty busy hasn't he? I will write a new entry for the News Page, update the interviews and articles and maybe even Guy's biography!

I've also added a new section called 'About Me' which is about....da dum...ME! lol. I'm still working on the blog bit, you guys might have to wait until the holidays for anything to happen there, they're only two weeks away thought! (for me anyway!).

Well, til next time....keep luvin the fro!!

Nicole (webmistress)!

P.S. I was also lucky enough to win Girlfriend Site of The Month so my site was featured on the Girlfriend website, pretty cool huh?!
