18th June, 2004

Well I haven't updated for AGES so I figured it was about time I did it again! I kinda got snowed under with schoolwork and everything else! Finally got a chance to update cos I've been sick...lol.

Okay, since April Guy has been over to America and England and has recently come back. While over there he did some song writing with lots of cool guys like Brian McKnights and Thicke so it looks like his next album will be completely jam-packed with cool new stuff! Unfortunately it isn't due out until around October, with the single in SEPTEMBER! It's ages away but I suppose if it's good I can wait! Apparently there are no more planned releases from his first album, which is a bit annoying but I suppose I can cope...lol. It it also rumoured that he will be doing his tour around the October/November/December time, which is GOOD! It's about time he did a tour, but I suppose he's being doing EVERYTHING else instead!

While in America he also was a spectator on American Idol 3 (I spotted himself myself a couple of time, he looked very cute :)..lol) and actually was a guest performer singing 'Angels Brought Me Here' which he did very well in my opinion! It also got him some exposure on the radio over there, maybe he'll release over there next album around? Who knows!

He has an interview in the June TV Hits which I have typed up and put on the site and there has been a couple of A4 posters of him floating around (which I have on my wall, naturally!)

Since he's been back he's had a lunch meeting with some very lucky competition winners and visited his family (when he was actually driving to either Sydney or Adelaide his car ran out of fuel and he had to hitch hike to get more...lol!). He was also spotted at the Justin Timberlake concert earlier this week  I think (unfortunately) that he is going back to America next week, which is a pity, I mean he just got home!

I've updated the News Articles and the interview page...go check it out!

I think that's all the news I've heard but I will update if I remember or hear anymore,

Bye byez,

Nicole (webmistress)!
