14th April, 2004

Okay, I'm not totally positive on this, but I think that for the Logies, GUY and Shannon are going to be the opening acts!!! YAY!! I cannot wait. Apparently there was mention of trying to blend 'All I Need Is You' and 'Drive' into a duet but the idea was scrapped cos the songs were too different, thank goodness!!!!! That would be plain weird!

I have also been told that GUY is on hot30 tonight! I will definitely be listening in!

I've decided to paste an excerpt of an article in here. This is the only bit that had much to do with Guy and I thought it was pretty good actually! It's from a Malaysian column/paper which I think is called SO WHAT! Here it is:

# ON the subject of Idols, two of the reigning Idols were in town (like you didn't know). Yes, yes, Gareth Gates of UK's Pop Idols and Australian Idols champ Guy Sebastian were definitely the toast of the town when they were here last weekend, riding on the success of the syndicated talent show.

But Gareth aside, SO WHAT? takes its hat off to Guy. The chap may have arrived at an ungodly hour of 1.30am at KLIA, but he was all smiles.

Tired as he was with his packed schedule, and especially after his five hour flight, it was surprising, and pleasing to find out that he indulged SO WHAT? with banter ranging from his memories here to his camaraderie with R&B giant, Brian McKnight.

But it was also interesting to note that despite his star status, Guy arrived ALONE! at the airport, without any entourage, not even a manager. And with just one suitcase and a smaller bag! What's more, by the time he checked into the hotel at 2.30am, SO WHAT? heard that the lad only slept at 6am (we don't know why, though), but was up by 8am, and ready to go for the day's packed schedule. Now...THAT'S a star!

Isn't that such a cool excerpt on Guy? I think Malaysia writes the nicest stuff on him!

I've added a couple of quotes to the quotes page but I haven't had much time to do anything else. I'm going away from Friday to Wednesday this week though so updates on the Logies etc, well, they'll have to wait a while!!

Okay there's not much more news on Guy, but Aus Idol 2 auditions started this week, so go and sing your booty off everyone! lol!

Bye byez!

Nicole (webmistress)!

